Lacrosse & Passing
Today's club activity eat out with Passing!!!!!!!!
Lacrosse and Passing make good friends.
I could talk with a junior of Passing for the first time.
One of them was one of the oldest members of the public relations officer.
It was a good day because we made good friends with Passing.

Max Moon was in Chillmore Castle. Nat and Norm Nuckle were bullies. When everyone waited to go in the gate, the brothers caught him. Max was said "moon face, scaredy cat and tremble puss". The bullies said that there was a ghost in the castle. Everyone watched many places in the castle. They also watched a secret tunnel. This castle lived a fierce knight long ago. Suddenly, Max yelled. Everyone laughed. Norm put ice cubes down his shirt. Everyone told about ghost stories. The bullies caught Max and brought in the castle. Max had to spend the night in the castle alone. The bullies made fun of Max. An he was a dungeon, he heard a sound behind him. It was Sir Hal the Horrible. He laughed him because the ghost were so friendly. He wasn't frighten at all. Max tried to help him. So, he taught the ghost how to be frighten people. He was always scared the twins. He came back to a tent. So, the ghost appeared in the front of them and they were surprised. The ghost could be scared, so he was s true knight.
Highwayman's Halt
Polly ran The Highwayman's Halt and Polly small helped her father. The inn spent over three hundred years old. They had so few customers. The only guest of this inn was Mr. Trix. There was Flintlock's treasure in the inn because Percy Flintlock hid the money long ago. Mr. Trix hatched a plot. Polly decided to find the treasure. She spent the day for searching these. As she got out, she found the sign. She found Flintlock's treasure. So, his ghost appeared. Just then, Mr. Trix robbed the treasure and ran away. The ghost and Polly chased Mr. Trix with a ghostly house. The townfolk were surprised at seeing ghosts. Mr. Trix jumped into the sea by car. Then the police dragged him. The ghosts were popular at the inn.
Grimly Grange
Grimly Grange was a old house. Recently the Grange hadn't a single visitor. The ghosts of the Grange were bored. One day, people were in the courtyard. The people were show directors. The ghosts were so exited. They prepared for the TV cameras. The program started. The ghosts wanted to appear but they made only mistakes. The strange figures was discovered visitors and they ran off.
I recommend this book because several stories were written and the writer wrote many funny ghosts. I could enjoy reading this book.
BR 1-11: Wizard Wagoo
This story was about magics. Many magics appeared and it was so excited. Also, I like pictures in the book. So, I recommend this book.
Eibei Friends

On July 4, I ate out dinner with 8 Eibei friends. We make good friends. Though the classes taking each of us are different from each, we sometimes have same classes. We talked about classes, abroad study and training, our lives, love and so on...
We gathered at 7:45 pm near the restaurant. The restaurant was "MUGEN". Though we were a boy who didn't come because he had a part-time job, we started to eat and drink. The foods was delicious and we were very hungry. We enjoyed till 1 o'clock am. I want to eat out together next time. I'm looking forward to be held next!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BR 1-10: The Rat Hunt

Summer vacation plans
We went camping with club member last year. We stayed in two tents and a lodge. Then we watched many shooting stars together. It was good times. So, we are going to go there once more.
Then, I will go to Okinawa. I went to Yoron island last year. It was very beautiful sea.
Also, I want to go many summer festivals and watch fireworks. I couldn't go these last year. So, I’m going to go many events with my friends.
Beautiful life
From: yama.chika1, 1 week ago
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Fireworks 2008

I enjoyed doing fireworks with 5 people. We went to Mt. Kinpo by car and did it. I wanted to do it and it was a first this year for me to do it. On the top of the mountain was cold. We enjoyed the fun time. It was so beautiful and wanted to do it more. It was from big size to small size. I felt "SUMMER" because I did fireworks and climates changed. I think summer has many interesting things. We will able to spend wonderful days. I'd like to do fireworks more and watch skyrockets during summer vacation.
Thank you for inviting me!!!!!!